by alpha | Sep 15, 2021 | Company, In the news
A need to re-think equipment for open ocean farming The scale of damage done to Tasman Bay mussel farms in the July storm is causing one major company to say there needs to be a re-think of whether technology and equipment designed for sheltered waters can cope with...
by alpha | Jun 16, 2021 | Community, Company, In the news
MacLab partners with iwi and industry pioneers MacLab has developed new valuable partnerships with iwi and key industry players to support its ambitious growth plans as a nutraceutical business. The latest partnerships are with Maara Moana, the Pooley family, and...
by alpha | Dec 10, 2020 | Awards, Company, In the news, Sustainability
MFA Environmental Award Respect for the environment is a core to our values and as such it was a pleasure for Maclab to sponsor the 2020 Marine Farming Association Environmental award. The very deserving winner of the award was Vaughan Ellis who was recognised for...
by alpha | Dec 3, 2020 | Company, In the news
Maclab features in Wild Tomato magazine We feature in the December issue of Wild Tomato magazine. Please view the full article...
by alpha | Oct 8, 2020 | Community, Company, In the news, Sustainability
Signing confirms Golden Bay community gains from new mussel farms Papers signed last week finalise a 20-year process for Golden Bay residents to benefit from new mussel farms. The documents formalise the agreement to transfer 160 hectares of marine farming water space...